Fish and Aquaria
- 41
- Cryptocoryne Blog
- Discusses Cryptocorynes origins and cultivation with photos, articles, and videos.
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- James' Planted Tank Guide
- Describes fertilization methods, lighting, algae solutions and general plant deficiencies.
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- Jeff Ludwig's Planted Aquaria
- Includes articles on DIY projects, details on the authors own tanks, profiles on some plants and a links section.
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- Natural Aquariums
- Rhonda Wilson shares her remarkable success in planted aquariums with natural sunlight.
- 46
- Planted Aquarium Resource Page
- Over 100 links to sites containing information on planted aquariums.
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- Rex Grigg’s Planted Aquarium Guide
- Detailed overview on planted tank basics from substrates, aquarium fertilizers, carbon dioxide setups, and water chemistry.
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- The Planted Tank
- Provides information on how to successfully keep a planted aquarium. Contains articles, videos, images and a message board.
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- Aquarium Electrical Systems
- Article explains the importance of the electrical system as it relates to the marine aquarium. Also offers advice on improving the electrical system to make it safer and more efficient.
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- Aquarium Lighting Guide
- Spectra and specifications for various types of aquarium lighting (fluorescent, metal halide), basics of lighting fixture design, and links to off-site DIY lighting projects and suppliers.
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- Guide to Aquatics
- Offers guides to the construction of wet-dry filters, hoods, stands, protein skimmers, and other equipment.
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- The Krib: Beginning Fish Keeping
- Offers a directory of information to assist in the setup of a new aquarium.
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- Beginner FAQ: Stress
- Common causes and symptoms of stress, with explanation of its deleterious effects on fish health.
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- Death by
- An anti-cruelty organization trying to stop the practice of injecting or otherwise artificially coloring ornamental fish. Lists stores that have agreed to stop selling these fish.
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- U.S. Rules on Importing Tropical Fish: A Summary
- Summary of U.S. Customs and U.S. Fish and Wildlife regulations on the import of wild-caught tropical fish.