Bug Pets
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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Caresheets for stick insects, praying mantids, cockroaches, tarantulas, crickets, rearing caterpillars and scorpions and information on fireflies.
Caresheets - Amateur Entomologists' Society (AES) , like these Large White butterfly ( ) caterpillars, make great pets and have a fascinating life cycle. One of the best ways to learn about animals is to keep and look after them. Insects and other invertebrates are no exception. In most cases they are easy to look after (provided you've researched how to care for them first), inexpensive and don't require a vast amount of space. Below are links to care sheets for some of the more commonly kept invertebrates.
Size: 528 chars
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Page title: | Caresheets - Amateur Entomologists' Society (AES) |
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Description: | Caresheets for some of the more commonly kept invertebrates. |
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