- 221
- FBRL Breed Page: Singapura
- Information, links, and breeder contact information for the Singapura cat breed.
- 222
- FBRL Breed Page: Snowshoe Cats
- Information, links, and breeder contact information for the Snowshoe cat breed.
- 223
- Cat Fanciers: Sokoke: Cat Breed FAQ
- A long legged moderate-sized cat with a short dense coat without any undercoat; looks a little like a ocelot having an "African tabby pattern" with ticked hairs in the dark part of the pattern.
- 224
- Sokoke Cats
- Information on the breed including history, description, photos, breeder listings, cat rescues, and personal pages.
- 226
- FBRL Breed Page: Tonkinese
- Information, links, and breeder contact information for the Tonkinese cat breed.
- 227
- FBRL Breed Page: Turkish Angora
- Information, links, and breeder contact information for the Turkish Angora cat breed.
- 228
- FBRL Breed Page: Turkish Van
- Information, links, and breeder contact information for the Turkish Van cat breed.
- 229
- Novice Breeders Advice Cat Club
- Assists novice breeders of all breeds. Includes testimonials and related links.
- 230
- Tigger's Cat Tales
- The Shelter Cat Club, for former strays and shelter cats who have been given a second chance for a happy life.
- 231
- The Return “Heathcliff” Campaign: What's Heathcliff?
- An explanation about Heathcliff the orange cat.
- 234
- National Pet Alliance Opposition to Coercive Legislation
- Support to individuals and groups to assist in stopping coercive legislation.
- 235
- San Mateo County Pet Overpopulation Ordinance: A Legislative Failure
- An evaluation of elements of the San Mateo ordinance with recommendations.
- 236
- Santa Clara County Survey of Pet Population
- Report of a scientific survey of pet ownership in Santa Clara County, California with recommendations.