- 41
- An African Grey
- Articles and forum promoting quality care through the sharing of knowledge and experience.
- 42
- Einstein's Page
- Personal page of a Congo in Texas. Contains pictures, videos and her entire vocabulary.
- 43
- Ezra, the Office Parrot
- Personal page of a Congo. Includes sound files of speech, laughter and phone conversations.
- 45
- Grey Play Round Table
- Based from the magazine with the same name. Includes tip and general advice for this species.
- 46
- Greysworld
- General information for care of this species and rescue services for unwanted birds. Located in Lincoln, UK.
- 47
- It's A Grey's World
- Includes articles, stories, photos and cartoons of this species. Also provides avian recipes.
- 49
- Parrot Nation
- Patricia Sund's blog about life with her two African greys, Parker and Pepper. A humorous glimpse of avian insanity from a writer.
- 50
- The N'kisi Project
- Testing of the telepathic abilities of a Congo named N'Kisi. Published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. Abstract available.
- 51
- Tinkerbell Legacy - living with a flighted parrot
- A blog discussing life with a flighted CAG parrot and the training required.
- 53
- The Oratrix Project
- Pictures, sounds, and a video documentary about the lives of wild parrots, from a Harvard study.
- 54
- Gloster Queen Creations
- A site dedicated to the love of Gloster canaries and birds bred to the Gloster canary standard.
- 57
- Toronto Canaries
- Featuring information on how to breed healthy pet canaries along with a large collection of canary pictures, clips of canary singing, as well as tips on where to purchase canaries.
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- Cockatiel
- Information about cockatiels, their health and diet, with photos of babies along with training and taming tips. Also offers chat.