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Eastern Sierra Wildlife Care

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Scan day: 08 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Dedicated to helping native wildlife through rehabilitation of injured, ill and orphaned birds, mammals, and reptiles and by furthering public knowledge and appreciation of wildlife through education.
Eastern Sierra Wildlife Care | helping and healing wildlife "A group of kids were playing catch with it at Shady Rest!" said the Mammoth caller. The "it" survived, thankfully, and proved to be a young Pygmy Nuthatch who soon captured everyone's heart at the wildlife hospital. He kept up a constant cheeping and trilling---louder when hungry, quiet and contented when full. He grew quickly, his feathers growing, his neck stronger, consuming small mealworms with gusto. Pygmy nuthatches live in extended families and the young from previous broods will care for the next batch of nuthatch babies. Pygmy Nuthatches weigh only a little more than a hummingbird. They do not migrate; in cold weather they will spend the bitter nights piled into a tree cavity. Researchers once counted over 100 of the little birds entering a cavity just before dark.
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Page title:Eastern Sierra Wildlife Care | helping and healing wildlife