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Hunting and Shooting Partdridge in Spain

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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Enterprise dedicated to organizing driven partridge shoots.
Hunt driven partridge shoots in Spain. The Landaluce family is dedicated to organize driven partridge shoots in Spain for several generations, since Paco Landaluce founded the enterprise over 40 years ago. Cacerías Azor is the longest-established shooting enterprise in Spain and, in recent times, has reached a level of perfection which it is hard to surpass in this field of hunting. This is due to the high quality of its services as well as the exclusivity of its clientele.
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Page title:Hunt driven partridge shoots in Spain.
Keywords:spain, hunting, shooting, partridge, exclusive, spanish, hunters, madrid, gamekeepers, game drivers, villanueva de los infantes, ciudad real, cacerias azor
Description:CACERIAS AZOR, S.A., is a family enterprise dedicated to organizing driven partridge shoots, and is widely considered the most important in the world, in terms of the quality of its services as well as the exclusivity of its clientele