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First Coast Fly Fishers

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Scan day: 03 March 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: Jacksonville based family-oriented club dedicated to promoting the sport of fly fishing. Includes calendar of events, newsletter, and photo gallery.
First Fly Fishers of Jacksonville Florida FCFF Banquet - Sat. Feb 22. Guest Speaker - Artist, Fly Tyer, Fly Fishing Great Tim Borski March 1 Outing - Sisters Creek, Low Tide Outing. arch 1st we will be fishing the low tide at Sisters Creek. Have lunch planned11:30 to allow everyone plenty of time to eat and get on the water by the 2:17 tide
Size: 342 chars

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Page title:First Fly Fishers of Jacksonville Florida
Keywords:fly fishing jacksonville, fly fishing club, florida fly clubs, fly clubs, jacksonville fly fishing club, st. augustine fly club, fly fishing florida's first coast, fly fishing jacksonville, fly fishing st. augustine, Florida,saltwater fly fishing, flyfishing, fly fisher, fly fisherman, north florida, first coast, fly angler, fly casting, fly tying, OnWater Media, casting instruction, fly casting clinics, fly tying classes
Description:Promoting the sport of fly fishing and resource awareness