- 921
- Mesilla Valley Flyfishers
- Las Cruces based organization. Site features club information, fishing and permit information, upcoming events, and photos.
- 922
- Aikens Lake Wilderness Lodge
- Fly-in fishing resort at the south end of Atikaki Provincial Wilderness Park. Offers map, location, species, virtual tour and booking information.
- 923
- Big Sand Lake Lodge
- Offers adventures in fly-in fishing for northern pike, lake trout, walleye, and arctic grayling. Offers remote outposts, photos, accommodation and amenities, facilities, booking details and information on moose hunting.
- 924
- Cobham River Lodge and Outposts
- Located 235 air miles northeast of Winnipeg, the lodge offers sport fishing and related activities. Lists facilities, amenities, species details, rates, location and booking information.
- 925
- Fishing Lake Lodge
- Located on the Berens River chain, it offers Walleye and Northern Pike on a catch and release basis. Gives location, accommodations, food, equipment list, hunting packages, rates and booking information.
- 926
- Gangler's Lodge
- Features fly-in access to four lodges for Northern Pike, Lake Trout, Walleye and Arctic Grayling. Offers information on each lodge and outpost plus brochures.
- 928
- Lynn Lake Fly-In Outpost Camps
- Fly-in fishing for trophy Pike, Walleye, Lake Trout and Arctic Grayling.
- 929
- Nopiming Lodge
- Drive-in lodge featuring pike, walleye, smallmouth bass and trout, located in Nopiming Provincial Park.
- 931
- Webber's Lodges
- Fly-in fishing for Northern pike, lake trout, walleye and Arctic grayling. Includes details, pricing, booking information, photo gallery and directions.
- 933
- Fly Fishers of the Bitterroot
- Montana based chapter of the Federation of Fly Fishers that features meetings, raffles, and fishing outings.
- 934
- Missouri River Flyfishers
- Great Falls based club promoting fly fishing and the protection of cold water habitat. Includes calendar of events, and newsletter.
- 935
- Upper Oxbow Outdoor Adventures
- A main lodge and cabin accommodation for guests, who may participate in hunting, tubing, canoeing, kayaking and Atlantic Salmon fly fishing on the Little South West Miramichi River. Describes activities and booking contact.
- 936
- Capital City Fly Fishers
- Jefferson City, Missouri club educating people about the philosophies, ethics and history of fly fishing. Includes calendar of events, and newsletter.
- 937
- Ozark Fly Fishers
- St. Louis, Missouri club promoting the sport of fly fishing, fly tying, and fly casting. Includes calendar of events, newsletter, articles, fly patterns, and photo gallery.
- 938
- Murray's Pond Fishing and Country Club
- Private country club that hosts business functions, weddings and parties for its members. There are also sporting activities such as tennis, swimming, flyfishing, and basketball. Located in St.John's Newfoundland