- 881
- Boulder Flycasters
- Includes upcoming events, news, member services, newsletter, club store, articles and contact information. Located in Boulder.
- 882
- Cutthroat Chapter
- Includes meeting dates, times, directions, reports, project news and contact information. Located in Littleton.
- 883
- West Denver Chapter of Trout Unlimited
- Supporting water conservation and reparian habitat improvement and maintenance projects as well as outdoor habitat and fishing education to local schools.
- 884
- Connecticut Trout Unlimited
- The mission of the Connecticut Council of TU is to conserve, protect, and restore Connecticut's coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.
- 885
- Mianus Chapter of Trout Unlimited
- Over 500 members living in the Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, Norwalk, New Canaan and Wilton Connecticut communities. Includes calendar, newsletter, links, membership information and stories.
- 886
- Thames Valley Chapter
- Includes chapter events, calendar, newsletter, links and contact information. Located in Preston.
- 887
- Central Texas Flyfishers
- San Marcos based club dedicated to sharing the traditions and techniques of fly fishing. Includes calendar of events and message board.
- 888
- Hill Country Fly Fishers
- Kerrville, TX based fly fishing club. Site includes pictures, message board, and club information.
- 889
- Lone Star Fly Fishers
- Tyler based club dedicated to the enjoyment of fly fishing and the education of fly fishers. Includes calendar of events and newsletter.
- 890
- Red River Fly Fishers
- Texas-Oklahoma border based organization. Includes news, club information, and events calendar.
- 891
- Pisgah Chapter Trout Unlimited
- Local information pertaining to the Trout Unlimited chapter serving the Hendersonville/Brevard, North Carolina region.
- 893
- Black Hills Flyfishers
- Western South Dakota fly fishing club focused on improving local water environments.
- 894
- Mountain Laurel Chapter of Trout Unlimited
- Headquartered in Johnstown and serves Cambria, Somerset and Bedford Counties. Includes calendar of events, meetings, membership, list of officers, projects and contact information.
- 895
- Stanley Cooper Trout Unlimited
- Includes calendar of events, photos, reports, links, meeting and contact information. Located in Kingston.
- 896
- Dame Juliana League Fly Fishers
- Phoenixville club dedicated to the art and science of fly fishing and fly tying. Includes calendar of events, photo gallery, and journal.
- 897
- Delaware Valley Women's Fly Fishing Association
- Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania club serving women fly fishing anglers throughout the mid-Atlantic region. Includes calendar of events, newsletter, and photo gallery.
- 898
- White Clay Fly Fishers
- 40 year old Pennsylvania based fly fishing club. Features club information, calendar, stories, and photos.