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- Adventures in Rocket Science Educator Guide
- A NASA-produced K-12 informal education guidebook for model rocketry. The downloadable guide includes activities, data worksheets, safety information, and an introduction to the principles of physics.
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- Cesaroni Technology
- Product information and launch gallery for ProX mid-to-high power reloadable motors.
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- Essence's Model Rocketry Reviews (EMRR)
- Comprehensive collection of product reviews and articles, contests, and user submitted flight logs.
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- John Coker's Rockets and Rocketry
- How-to information on building rockets, information about high-power rocketry launch sites, and information on related laws and regulations.
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- Reach for the Stars Model Rocket Contest
- Science education through model rocketry. Website describes annual Estes model rocket contest. A Christa McAuliffe educational outreach program.
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- Richard Nakka's Experimental Rocketry Web Site
- Informational site featuring electronics, recovery, and experimental motors.
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- ThrustCurve Hobby Rocket Motor Data
- Model and high-power hobby rocket motor data for flight simulation and reference.
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- Vern Knowles' Rocketry Web Site
- Design and construction details, photos and videos of high power rockets and support equipment. Information on rocketry components.
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- Wolfstar Designs
- Rocksim downloads, links to software downloads, manufacturers, vendors, and organizations, and photos of Nitebow rockets.