- 2
- A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia
- Includes book of word records, palindromic words, pangrams, most beautiful and ugly words, Scrabble words, and Bible word trivia.
- 3
- Bovilexics.com
- Humorous new words and phrases created to define various important and unimportant concepts.
- 4
- Dislexicon Word Generator
- Contains Dislexicon, which generates new made-up words and definitions for them.
- 5
- Faulkner or Machine Translation?
- A quiz to determine whether literary passages are the Faulkner originals or ones machine-translated from German into English.
- 7
- Funnyname.com
- A collection of amusing, interesting, strange, and occasionally rude names from the phone book.
- 9
- LazrChet's Rhetorical Questions
- Questions designed to open one's mind, even if no answer is expected.
- 10
- Loquacious Lipograms
- Information and links on lipograms, works of fiction that omit a single letter.
- 11
- Opundo
- Includes wordplay and oddities, mathematica, theologica, computica, scientifica, and other humour.
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- The Collective Noun Page
- Entertaining and annotated listing of collective nouns such as 'a murder of crows' and 'a pomposity of professors'.