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- This Week In Science
- Web site and online audio archives for the weekly TWIS science radio show. A humorous and irreverent take on the world of science.
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- provides information and services to the operatives of Provides information and operatives to StarKeith and the Federation of Keith who are currently stationed on planet earth, as well as to the general populous of earth. Includes ship design, community information, and other links.
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- Biology poetry
- Contains rhymes with the focus on biology. Is open to submissions of poetry and rhymes about biology and other sciences.
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- Penn Academy for Necroambulate Studies
- Academy for the scientific study of zombies (necroambulates). Includes papers, faculty, thesis, and questions answered.
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- WWWF Grudge Match: Jacques Cousteau vs. Marlin Perkins
- The two wildlife adventurists race against each other to be the first to discover Life on Mars.
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- MDeA's Chemistry Fun Page
- The ultimate site for chemistry humor. It contains chemistry jokes and chemical puns. Disclaimer: Some knowledge of science is required.
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- Nandor's Exhaustive Chemical Words Pages
- Lists all the English words, word squares, and magic squares that can be written using chemical symbols.
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- Poetic Table of Elements
- Original poems about, inspired by, reminiscent of or otherwise related to and sorted by the elements of the Periodic Table.
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- Sizzling Organic Chemistry Dramas
- These are four somewhat bawdy (if you're a molecule) plays illustrating organic chemistry reaction mechanisms.
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- William N. Lipscomb, Jr.: Science Humor
- Nobel Prizewinner in Chemistry 1976: Humorous publications, periodic table, Ig Nobel, songs, comics, deoxypreposterase.