- 21
- Off the Deep End
- "Off the Deep End," humor columns by Steve Dunham that have appeared in Commuter Weekly.
- 22
- Oomphoophoo's House of Strangeosity
- Our monkey-faced goddess of love takes us on a tour of some common oddities.
- 24
- Phoons from Around the World
- Invites people from around the world send in pictures standing on one foot in interesting settings.
- 25
- Pool Cleaners from Distant Planets
- Aliens give reviews of pop culture, rants, opinions, and answers to questions.
- 27
- Scampton Manor Veterinary Optician, The
- A curious collection of absurd art, ludicrous language courses, crazy conjectures plus a weird weekly poem.
- 28
- Sensory Deprivation
- The things your mother never told you about - from organ trading to Scientology to facial hair of the future.
- 29
- The Lair of the Crab
- The Guru answers all questions on any issue whatsoever. Includes shockwave games and links.
- 34
- Themanwhofellasleep
- Animations, writings, tales of the London Underground, disturbing journals and badgers.
- 35
- Virtual Bubblewrap
- All about this versatile wrapping material, the etiquette of how to use it, plus virtual bubblewrap to pop against the clock.