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Australian Natural Highs FAQ

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Description: Everything about natural drugs down under.
Erowid Psychoactive Vaults : Australian Natural Highs FAQ Fundamental #13: Note changes in health over time that may be related to psychoactive drug use. AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT FOR THE NATURAL HIGHS FAQ ----------------------------------------------- Author: Michael from Melbourne (Hex) with thanks to J John [email protected] and Petrus [email protected] for assistance. INTRODUCTION ------------ Hi there, I decided to do an Australian Supplement for the Natural Highs FAQ. Information was taken without permission from my Ethnobotany lecture notes, from The Genus Psilocybe by Gaston Guzman, 1983 (a very detailed study on Psilocybes), from Mushrooms and Toadstools of Australia, by C.I. Shepherd and C.J. Totterfell, 1988 (good book on Australian genera), from The Magical and Ritual use of Herbs by Richard Alan Miller, 1983 (a very useful book with an occasional mistake, a lot of the plants in this list are from here), and from Wild Medicine in Australia by A.B. & J.W. Cribb, 1981. Also of great use was
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Page title:Erowid Psychoactive Vaults : Australian Natural Highs FAQ
Keywords:psychoactive drugs entheogens hallucinogens psychedelics
Description:Frequently Asked Questions about natural highs - Supplement.