- 141
- The Masters of the Universe Toy Checklist
- A toy checklist of Masters of the Universe and He-Man toys that you can print out.
- 142
- Raving Toy Maniac's Mego Museum
- An archive of photos, marketplace, custom figures, forum, mailing list and links. Includes World's Greatest Super Heroes, Star Trek, and Planet of the Apes.
- 144
- Bug Eyed Monster
- An encyclopedia of Mego's Micronauts toy line, including toys like Red Falcon, the Battle Cruiser and Pharoid.
- 146
- Marathon and the Micronaut Influence
- 3D game Marathon and how The Micronauts may have influenced its design.
- 150
- Micronauts Outpost
- News, pictures and descriptions of these toys plus a classified ads section of toys for sale and wanted.
- 152
- Ian and Todd's Ultimate Soldiers
- Collector shares Vietnam and World War II collectible toy soldier action figures, photo gallery, projects, and links.
- 153
- The Phantom Brigade
- This site is about the 1/6 scale hobby. It is focused around WWII and based in NW Ohio.
- 155
- SPAWN: World Wide Web Headquarters
- Official site of Todd McFarlane's SPAWN - breaking news, sneak previews, scheduled appearances, message board, information on merchandise, comics, and animated series.
- 157
- Star Trek Toys by Playmates Toys
- Reference guide with a complete checklist of all toys made from 1992 to the present, searchable database, and book ordering information.