MainRecreationCollectingMilitaria › The Orders and Medals Research Society

The Orders and Medals Research Society

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Scan day: 08 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Offers information about collecting of military medals and orders.
OMRS - Welcome to the website of the OMRS Welcome to the Website of the OMRS Our Society exists to promote a general interest in the study of orders, decorations and medals and to actively encourage and publish research into all aspects of civil and military medals, with a particular focus on those issued by Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries.
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Page title:OMRS - Welcome to the website of the OMRS
Keywords:OMRS, Orders and Medals, study of Orders, decorations and medals, awards for gallantry in battle, bravery in saving life,
Description:Our Society exists to promote a general interest in the study of orders, decorations and medals and to actively encourage and publish research into all aspects of civil and military medals, with a particular focus on those issued by Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries.