Food and Drink Related
- 103
- Kees Booij's
- A Dutch collector presents his crown caps, with many links, thematic crown caps, water caps and trade list.
- 104
- Kevin's Bottle Cap Collection
- A collection of bottle caps (crown caps) from around the world, including various countries in southern Africa.
- 106
- Leonid Kandinsky's CrownCapSite
- A comprehensive database of caps from many countries, with information about each cap, very nicely organized.
- 107
- Marcel's Beer Cap Collection
- Swiss collector with over 4500 scanned caps, geographical search for caps, trading list, cap identification.
- 108
- Mike's Homepage
- Featuring his collection, trade partners and the countries from which he wants to acquire caps.
- 109
- Nils & Juergen THELEN Crown Caps Page
- Collectors from France with pages from crownventions and trade caps
- 110
- Pierrot's Bottle Caps
- French crown caps collector, with collection list and pictures. [French/English]
- 112
- Collection of historic and current Hutter stoppers of beer bottles from breweries worldwide (more than 7000 pictures from over thirty different countries).
- 113
- Renno's Beer Cap Page
- Dutch collector lists over 11,000 beer caps in his collection, with images of Dutch and Belgian caps.
- 114
- The Bottle Cap Man
- USA bottle cap collector with hundreds of soda and beer bottle caps listed for sale or trade. Bottle cap club information.