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West Coast Mountain Guides

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Description: Winter and summer climbing courses and private guiding in Scotland. (Fort William, Scotland)
Scotland - West Coast Mountain Guides, Mountain and Ski Guiding and Instruction, Scottish Highlands and the Alps :: Guide Bruce Poll West Coast Mountain Guides [Return to Homepage] Welcome to West Coast Mountain Guides
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Page title:Scotland - West Coast Mountain Guides, Mountain and Ski Guiding and Instruction, Scottish Highlands and the Alps :: Guide Bruce Poll
Keywords:mountain guides, mountaineering instruction, scotland, scottish, mountain guide, guides, courses, course, ben nevis, highlands, highland, fort william, alps, climb, european alps, alan kimber, instructor, guiding, bruce poll, skiing, off piste
Description:qualified professional mountain guide and instructor Bruce Poll specializes in mountain and ski based courses and guiding in the Scottish mountains the French and Swiss Alps and the rest of Europe. Courses available for both novice and experienced alike