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British International Eight Meter Association

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Description: Offers history, rules, regatta information and photographs.
| British Eight Metre Association British Eight Metre Association British Eight Metre Association Home Page Class Flag – Naval Numeral 8 “The owner can sail his Eight Metre round the coast from regatta to regatta for coastal cruising would give owners the two most sought things in life; health and happiness, for without doubt sailing at sea brings peace to the mind, and the clean salt-laden air health to the body; which are both needed by all in this mechanical age of irritating noise and poisonous fumes. The Eight Metres are very popular, for in the cabin and owner can live, or simply change his wet clothes after a hard race and eat his lunch in comfort according to his ideas of pleasure. Added to this there is the protection the cabin gives in bad weather, for then it seems to make what otherwise be a boat, a ship.”
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Contact Information



Page title:| British Eight Metre Association
Description:Welcome to the British Eight Metre Association