Fundy Bird Observatory
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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Project of the Grand Manan Whale and Seabird Research Station, with checklist, newsletter, and publication list.
Grand Manan Whale and Seabird Research Station - NB - Canada, SeaBird Page Restoration of a Common Tern nesting colony Tern populations in the Gulf of Maine have declined from approximately 1.5 million pairs in the mid-1800s, to about 82,000 pairs in 2002. This drastic decrease has been mostly attributable to the activities of man. Terns were slaughtered in the late 1800s for their feathers, which were used to adorn ladies hats of the period. When this practice was outlawed, and the Migratory Birds Treaty Act brought into force in 1918, the tern populations began to recover. However, modern fishing technology discarding fish offal and huge, open landfills benefited large species of scavenging gulls. These large gulls drove terns from nesting islands. By the early 1940s, only one nesting island remained for terns in the Grand Manan Archipelago
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Page title: | Grand Manan Whale and Seabird Research Station - NB - Canada, SeaBird Page |
Keywords: | grand manan, nb, canada, research station, whale, whales, seabirds, seals, sealife, marine, ecosystem, ecosystems, conservation, harbour porpoise, right whale, laboratories, marine laboratories, wet lab, dry lab, grand manan island, fundy coast, bay of fundy, north atlantic right whale, whale conservation, charity, registered charity, ecology, ecological, ocean |
Description: | Grand Manan Whale & SeabirdResearch Station, Grand Manan, New Brunswick, Canada, a registered charity dedicated to Research and Education to Promote Conservation of Marine Ecosystems. Offers programs designed to educate, discover new facts, develop alternatives and to make a difference! Our Marine Natural History Museum, is a 'must see' on any visit to Grand Manan |
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