North America
- 81
- Hummer/Bird Study Group, Inc.
- Dedicated to the study and preservation of hummingbirds and other neotropical migrants. Hummingbird species accounts, winter hummingbird banding, feeding tips, events, banding stations, and store.
- 82
- Journal of Louis Agassiz Fuertes
- Full text of a journal that Louis Agassiz Fuertes kept during the Harriman Alaska Expedition in the summer of 1899.
- 83
- Saint Paul Island Tours
- Information on birding St. Paul in the Pribilofs, including a rare bird alert, checklists, photos, videos, and tours.
- 87
- Birding Southeast Arizona
- Photos and annotated list of the birds of Cave Creek Canyon and other spots in the Chiricahua Mountains.
- 88
- Onroute - Birding in Southeastern Arizona
- Site guides to several prime birding areas in Southeast Arizona.
- 89
- Santa Rita Lodge
- Birding hot spot in Madera Canyon. Photos and descriptions of hummingbirds and other birds and wildlife; bird checklist.
- 91
- Tucson Audubon Society
- Conservation issues, southeast Arizona birding and rare bird alert, field trips, gardening for wildlife, meetings, and description of the Audubon Nature Shop and Mason Audubon Center.
- 92
- Tucson Bird Count
- A program for monitoring Tucson's birds and helping restore and maintain native bird communities in and around Tucson.
- 94
- Sam Crowe's
- Newsletter, articles, calendars of birding events, and other helpful information for birders.
- 95
- Audubon Canyon Ranch
- Preserve in Stinson Beach for the protection of nesting colonies of Great Egrets and Great Blue Herons. Volunteer and job opportunities, schedule of events, and publications.
- 96
- Bird Friends Of Lake Murry and San Diego County
- Photos, sounds, and descriptions of local birds; brief descriptions of hot spots.