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- Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields
- Paul Freeman's collected Information on vanished or abandoned airfields and little-known airfields with unusual histories. Over 1000 entries grouped by US state.
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- Brimpton - undesignated
- A little history of the field along with news and photographs of the current residents.
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- Castle Kennedy Airfield
- General aviation facilities connecting Northern Ireland, Prestwick, Carlisle, Blackpool, and the Isle of Man. Includes its history as a RAF base, a map of runways, details of facilities, rules and a registration form.
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- Gloucestershire - EGBJ
- A runway map and the local terms and conditions plus a little information about the local clubs and museum.
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- Hattiesburg- Bobby L. Chain Municipal - HBG
- Serves Hattiesburg and Camp Shelby. Location, services and facilities.
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- Keflavik - BIKF
- An international airport in Iceland with pages for aviator's information and an aerdrome chart.
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- Lydd - EGMD
- Detailed approach information and live weather along with lots of photographs of visitors.
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- Pine Hollow Airport - 32OR
- General information on the private airstrip and area including photos, operating rules and contacts.
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- Popham - EGHP
- News and events from this popular field along with photographs of some of the resident aircraft.
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- Shoreham - EGKA
- Airport news and history along with plenty of information on the various services available.
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- Wellesbourne - EGBW
- Arrival information and a little airfield history along with a list of locally based aircraft and a photo gallery.
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- Density Altitude Calculator
- JavaScript calculator for pilots. Determines density altitude from the altitude, air temp, altimeter setting and relative humidity.
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- Penguin Air Electronic AFD and Planning
- Source for the electronic Airport Facility Directory, approach plates, the FARs and the AIM.
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- PocketFMS
- Flight planning and moving map software for PCs and mobile pocket PCs using Windows. Includes world-wide VFR maps, bi-hourly updated navigation data, weather integration and an extensive airspace warning system.