- 62
- Chapter 431 - Brodhead
- Chapter information and events, member profiles, photo galleries, local and aviation links.
- 63
- Chapter 23 - Salt Lake City, Utah
- Provides details of events, officers, newsletter and member projects.
- 65
- Chapter 123 - Midland
- Newsletter, Young Eagles, technical articles, photo gallery, calendar and links.
- 66
- Chapter 1246 - McKinney
- Chapter officers, aviation links, newsletter, member area, ongoing projects and membership form.
- 67
- Chapter 187 - Austin
- Chapter information, meeting minutes, calendar, member aircraft, classifieds, articles and links.
- 68
- Chapter 302 - Conroe
- Meeting time and location, member projects, events, current and archived newsletters, classifieds and links.
- 70
- Chapter 493 - San Angelo
- Technical and safety information, about the chapter, newsletters, events and links.
- 71
- Chapter 59 - Waco
- Complete details on the chapter, including history, by_laws, members, and photographs.
- 74
- Chapter 242 - Columbia
- Newsletter, ongoing and completed projects, events calendar and member area.
- 76
- Chapter 1327 - State College
- Flight stories, scrapbooks, meeting minutes and membership information.
- 78
- Chapter 839 - Stroudsburg
- Photo galleries, activities, news, current projects, location and aviation links.