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Sahib Shriners Annual Giant Collector Car & Motorcycle Show and Poker Run

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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Benefit show in Sarasota, Florida. Includes event details.
Sahib Shriners Annual Giant Collector Car-Truck-Motorcylce Show, and Poker Run List of Posters & Registration Forms. Above files are current as of April 13, 2003. <--  Click Links within Left Column to Open and Download
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Page title:Sahib Shriners Annual Giant Collector Car-Truck-Motorcylce Show, and Poker Run
Keywords:50/50 drawing, 50's, 60's, 70's, American, antique, auction, auction, automobile club, automobile magazine, bands, biker rights, bikers, brotherhood, Buick, Candy Girl, car, car magazine, Chevy, childrens hospitals, chrome, classic, Clowns, collector car, convertibles, corral, Corvettes, cotton candy, cruise, cruiser, cruisin, cruzin to the hop, custom, cycle, dash plaque, Dodge, door prize, entertainment, exhibit, fairgrounds, fairs, Florida, Fords, foreign car, Free photos, Free t-shirts, Freemason, games, Gold Wing, goodie bags, Harley, Honda, hot, Indian, interior, Lance's hop, Mason, Mercedes, MG, Model A, Model T, motor corps, motorcycle, muscle, Mustang, oldies 108, Oldsmobile, Packard, paint, poker run, Pontiac, Porsche, radical, Reo, riders, rod, Ruffians, Sarasota, Shrine, Shriners, Show, sports, sportster, street, suppliers, swap, T-Bird, t-bucket, Thunderbird, Toyota, trade, trophies, truck, t-shirts, upholstery, vehicle, vendors, Vette, Vietnam riders, Willys, Yamaha
Description:Giant Collector Car & Motorcycle Show, and Poker Run, Shriners Hospitals for Children fund raiser. Trophies, $$$ Awards, Thousands of $$$ Drawing Prizes, “Free” Color T-Shirt, Entertainment!