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Horseless Carriage Foundation, Inc.

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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Established in 1985 to make automobile research and restoration information readily available to hobbyists, restorers, and scholars world wide.
Automotive Research Library of the HCFI Just Released ... Browse any publication in the Online Library and click a page to read it. The Expanded, Searchable Online Library & Archival List 321,979 files and 1,893,056,620 searchable words
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Page title:Automotive Research Library of the HCFI
Keywords:library, research, automotive library, car research, automotive information, automobile, automotive reference library, automotive literature, autombile research, collector car library, antique automobile, car book, book collection, old books, automotive research, car picture, automotive manuals, car history, automobile literature, antique cars, antique car book, horseless carriage, horseless carriages, Brass Era, old car book, old cars, brass-era, Pre war, automotive, antique car, automobile, motorcar, automotive history, trade journals, car manual, automobile statistics, automobile information, car information
Description:The Horseless Carriage Foundation, Inc. is the automotive research library containing literature, manuals, pictures, photographs, statistics, books and many other types of materials about automobiles from the Brass-Era 1800s / turn of the century to the present. The Foundation is dedicated to preserving all types of automtive literature from the earliest motor vehicle to present - day vehicles