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Saw Set Collector's Resource

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Description: Mark Conley provides information with pictures, patent numbers and dates as a resource for other collectors.
The Saw Set Collector's Resource Welcome to the Saw Set Collector's Resource, my name is Mark Conley and I have been collecting saw sets for over 20 years now. I am putting up what information I have, with pictures, as a resource for anyone interested in collecting saw sets as a hobby or as a general resource for anyone of interest.  There are presently over 250 pictures of different patented and non-patented saw sets on this site.   This is not intended to be a price list, so if that is why you came, have fun looking at the pictures. Seriously, the price of saw sets is dependent on the scarcity, uniqueness and interest just like every collectable and can make high prices. The vast majority of common ones will sell for no more that $10.00.  This site is dedicated to saw sets only and will not include saw jointers, raker gauges, saw filing jigs or saw vises, however if you want to know what they are go here
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Page title:The Saw Set Collector's Resource