- 1
- Morse Code and Phonetic Alphabets
- Features translator written in Java and CGI languages, with listing of the Morse code including punctuation and non-English letters.
- 2
- Phonetic Alphabets, Wordlists, Texts
- Includes the NATO phonetic alphabet list used by military and civilian radio operators. Also features information on Morse Code.
- 3
- ARRL: Field Day
- Annual event in the US and Canada, held on the fourth full weekend in June. Includes rules, frequencies, and goals.
- 5
- ARRL: American Radio Relay League
- National organization of the American Radio Relay League; office in Newington, Connecticut. General amateur radio information, membership information, news, events schedule, coordinating organizations.
- 6
- Bletchley Park - Station X
- Bletchley Park Trust. During World War II, the German secret codes were broken here. Many radio amateurs were involved in the interception and decoding.
- 7
- Grid Dip Meters
- A private collection of N4XY highlighting the history of the Grid Dip Oscillator (GDO).
- 8
- Hammond Museum of Radio
- Located in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, features over 1,000 operational receivers and transmitters from the Spark era to the first Solid State HRO.
- 9
- Maritime Park Association Submarine Museum
- Established aboard the USS Pampanito (SS-383) exhibits include old Model TBL radio receiver and related equipment.
- 10
- National Electronics Museum
- Information and exhibits of a TBL receiver, and other historic radio items. Located in Linthicum, Maryland.
- 11
- National Valve Museum
- A collection of thermionic valves for radio, television completely databased with all exhibits illustrated.
- 13
- Virtual Collins Radio Museum
- A collection of Collins radio equipment from 1946 to 1979 on virtual exhibit.
- 14
- Western Historic Radio Museum
- Located in Virginia City, Nevada offers information on wireless, and radio apparatus from 1915 through the 1950s.
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- Collection of DX listening resources includes news and DX tips, Latin and Andean DX reports, Medium Wave DX, solar reports and antenna topics.
- 16
- Anne Arundel Radio Club
- Maryland club provides information about programs and activities, calendar and events, photographs and downloads.
- 17
- Hackensack High School Amateur Radio Club
- K2HHS Club is affiliated with the ARRL and a station on the 10 through 80m bands as well as 2m. Contains links to various activities, groups of interest and radio related information.
- 18
- Minnesota Youth Amateur Radio Council
- Founded in 2001, sponsors, supports, and provides assistance to youth oriented amateur radio organizations by providing opportunities to learn about amateur radio and in becoming licensed amateur radio operators. Includes detailed information, news and events.
- 19
- ARRL/VEC - Examinations and Licensing
- Information about amateur licensing: examination requirements, scheduled exam sessions, renewals, FCC and NCVEC forms, vanity call signs, volunteer examiners, fees, special-event call signs.
- 20
- Longwave Club of America
- Promotes both DXing and experimenting on frequencies below 550 kHz and activity on the 1750 meter band.
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