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Experiencing War : D-Day 60th Anniversary, June 6, 1944-2004

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Scan day: 07 March 2014 UTC
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Description: American veterans tell of their experiences during the war. Collected for the Veterans History Project by the U.S. Library of Congress.
Vietnam War: Looking Back, Part 3 (Experiencing War: Stories from the Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress) ifty years after the fact, the Vietnam War remains part of our collective national consciousness. For the veterans who served during this era, this conflict has particular meaning. Each of these veterans experienced the war in a unique, individual way; no two stories are the same. As veteran Tom Hagel has explained, “When we think of wars – whether it’s Vietnam or any other war – we think of it as a unitary subject … but there are millions of Vietnam Wars.”
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Page title:Vietnam War: Looking Back, Part 3 (Experiencing War: Stories from the Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress)
Keywords:vietnam war 50th fiftieth anniversary film video frame shot veteran wwii world war ii memoir story vets oral history interview war story experiencing war veterans history project american folklife center library of congress
Description:Vietnam War: Looking Back, Part 3. Fifty years after the fact, the Vietnam War remains part of our collective national consciousness. For the veterans who served during this era, this conflict has particular meaning. Each of these veterans experienced the war in a unique, individual way; no two stories are the same. As veteran Tom Hagel has explained, "When we think of wars -- whether it's Vietnam or any other war -- we think of it as a unitary subject ... but there are millions of Vietnam Wars." To commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Vietnam War, the Veterans History Project will be highlighting a series of collections from this era. They are but a few of the "millions of Vietnam Wars" embodied by the stories of Vietnam veterans. These interviews represent a wide variety of branches, service locations, and military roles; collectively, they illuminate the dramatic -- and ongoing -- effects of the war on those who participated.Experiencing War: Stories from the Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress.


Status: ACTIVE