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Description: Brief information on Eratosthenes, including when and where he was born, as well as later historians that followed up on his work of the stars.
he man who first measured the world, the Greek astronomer Eratosthenes (c. 276-196 B.C.), lived in Alexandria during the 3rd century B.C. He noticed that on the first day of summer in Syene (now Aswan), Egypt, the Sun appeared directly overhead at noon. At the same time in Alexandria, however, the Sun appeared slightly south (about 7 degrees) of the zenith. Knowing the distance between Syene and Alexandria and assuming that the Sun
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Page title:eratho
Keywords:Stephen Hawking, cosmology, Edwin Hubble, universe, Big Bang, Albert Einstein, singularities, cosmic background radiation, COBE, Thirteen/WNET, Richard Talcott, Michio Kaku, Marcelo Gleiser, Carlos Frenk, black hole, wormhole, quarks, quasars, antimatter, Thirteen Online, cosmological constant, Fred Hoyle, Seth Shostak, Alan Guth, Lee Smolin, Channel Thirteen, inflationary universe, neutrinos, dark matter, time travel, Georges Lemaitre, Galileo Galilei, Ptolemy, Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Marie Curie, Pierre Curie, Penzias and Wilson, Isaac Newton, Paul Dirac, Eratosthenes, Vera Rubin, MACHOs, WIMPs, Hubble's Law, Uncertainty Principle, gravity, Schrodinger's cat, Ernest Rutherford, Dmitri Mendeleev, Friedmann Universe, Uden Associates, hot and cold dark matter, Theory of General Relativity, Theory of Special Relativity, superstrings, spectroscopy, redshift, radioactivity, planetary motion, flat earth, steady-state theory, anthropic universe, strong anthropic theory, no-boundary universe, oscillating universe, Barry Levine, Ellen Mendlow, David McCarthy, Mohammad Riza, David Filkin, William Grant, PBS, theory of everything