- 641
- First Among Equals: Jean Chretien
- Biography and other information about Jean Chretien from the National Library of Canada.
- 642
- Wikipedia - Jean Chrétien
- Article covers early life and political career of the twentieth Prime Minister of Canada.
- 644
- Charles Joseph Clark
- Biography and other information about Charles Joseph (Joe) Clark, Canada's Prime Minister from 1979-1980.
- 645
- John George Diefenbaker
- Biography and other information about John George Diefenbaker, Canada's Prime Minister from 1957-1963.
- 646
- The Right Honourable John George Diefenbaker
- Commemorative page on the man who was Canada's Prime Minister from 1957 to 1963.
- 647
- King - Byng Affair
- Letter from William Lyon Mackenzie King to Governor General Byng, 28 June 1926.
- 648
- Sir Wilfrid Laurier
- Biography and other information about Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Canada's Prime Minister from 1896-1911.
- 649
- Sir Wilfrid Laurier
- Offers quick facts, biography, anecdotes, speeches, and links to other information.
- 650
- Canadian Confederation: Sir John A. Macdonald
- John A. Macdonald played a key role at Charlottetown Conference of 1864. Video clip of actor playing Macdonald.
- 651
- First Among Equals: Sir John A. MacDonald
- Facts, biography, speeches and other information from the National Library of Canada.
- 652
- The Globe and Mail: Sir John Is Dead
- Obituary for John A. Macdonald that appeared in the Globe and Mail.
- 653
- Wikipedia - John A. Macdonald
- Includes political history, titles, honours, references and photograph.
- 654
- Alexander Mackenzie
- Biography and other information about Alexander Mackenzie, Canada's Prime Minister from 1873-1878.
- 655
- Arthur Meighen
- Biography and other information on Arthur Meighen, Canada's Prime Minister from 1920-1921 and in 1926.
- 656
- The Right Honourable Arthur Meighen
- Point form information on Canada's 9th Prime Minister matched with a picture of Canada's 8th Prime Minister.
- 657
- 1987 Mulroney Meech Lake
- Speech by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney to the House of Commons on May 1, 1987 announcing the details of the Meech Lake constitutional accord.