Conditions and Diseases
- 101
- Glandular Fever
- Another name for infectious mononucleosis. Learn about causes, symptoms, risks, and treatment.
- 103
- Children's Hope for Understanding Multiple Sclerosis
- Offers easy-to-understand information about the disease and a message board for MS sufferers.
- 104
- Neuroscience for Kids: Multiple Sclerosis
- A look at what MS is, who gets it, its causes, symptoms, and treatments. Includes audio files which tell how to pronounce a few key words.
- 105
- Myasthenia Gravis Fact Sheet
- Learn about this disease, including causes, symptoms, who gets it, diagnosis, treatments, and what is being done to help.
- 106
- Orthorexia Nervosa
- Features an overview of the condition as well as a list of common signs and symptoms.
- 107
- BBC News: I am an orthorexic
- An obsession with healthy eating could be dangerous, doctors have warned. So what's it like suffering from orthorexia? (March 29, 2005)
- 109
- SARS: An Open Scar
- Information on the outbreak, prevention methods and the coronavirus. Includes a timeline, interviews, videos, quizzes, and a glossary.
- 110
- SARS: Deadly Virus Q&A
- People are scared about this new disease, but the BBC News tells us why most of us don't need to worry. (April 01, 2003)
- 112
- Scoliosis SOS Clinic
- Explores treatment options, and identifies potential problems with both bracing and operation treatments.
- 113
- SpineUniverse: Kid's Planet
- Learn about different kinds of back and spine conditions, treatments, and how to protect your back. Ask a nurse questions or play games.
- 114
- Understanding Scoliosis
- In-depth information about diagnosis and treatment options, including observation, bracing and surgery. Features animations on spinal anatomy and surgery.
- 115
- Young Women's Health: Scoliosis
- Explains the causes of scoliosis, who gets it, the diagnosis, and treatment.
- 116
- KidsHealth: Do You Know About Sickle Cell Anemia?
- Article tells how sickle cell gets its name, causes, symptoms, tests, and treatment.
- 117
- MedlinePlus: Sickle Cell Anemia
- Illustrated article gives definition, causes, treatment, and risk factors.
- 118
- Sickle Cell Society
- A UK-based charity which provides care and information. Site includes research findings, pain management techniques, and teaching resources.