- 123
- IMDb: Aladdin (1992)
- Plot summary, cast, trivia, goofs, quotes, reviews, and messageboard for fans.
- 129
- Wikipedia - Finding Nemo
- Plot description, box office information, cultural references, links to educational data about the types of fish portrayed, and list of cast.
- 131
- Coming Soon: The Incredibles
- Reviews, cast, production stills, trailers, teasers, television spots, and clips in a variety of formats.
- 132
- National Public Radio - The Man Behind 'The Incredibles'
- Reviews and a "behind-the-scenes" look at the making of the movie. Includes interviews with Brad Bird (writer and director) and Sarah Vowell (voice of Violet Parr).
- 136
- IMDb: Lilo & Stitch (2002)
- Plot summary, cast, reviews, fan messageboard, and quotations from the movie.
- 138
- Madagascar
- Official site for the DreamWorks movie about Central Park Zoo animals that end up in Madagascar.