SOFWeb - Using the Internet
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Scan day: 01 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A tutorial of the Internet. Lessons include getting connected, exploring the Web, e-mail, chat, downloading files, researching, and netiquette.
Teen Area - Student Resources - SOFWeb for some fun and learn about the internet. If you don't know how to make web pages yet, Victorian Public Transport Student ( are now available to download.
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Page title: | Teen Area - Student Resources - SOFWeb |
Keywords: | Teen, teenage, SOFWeb, education, teacher, student, K-12, VCE, secondary, primary, school, parent, community, principal, internet, WWW, learning technologies, Department of Education, Victoria, Australia, teens, leadership, kids, resources, EdNA, curriculum, KLA, CSF, projects, teenagers, teen area, art, art resources. |
Description: | Welcome to the Teen Area of the Students section on SOFWeb. Here you will find a wide array of resources for school projects. |
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