Online Stories
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- Stories for Children
- Stories written mainly by kids for kids with music, effects and graphics for illustration.
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- Story Soup Kids
- Read a book or poem, write a story, find crafts and recipes. Accepts stories from children, ages 17 and under.
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- StoryPlace: The Children's Digital Library
- See and listen to multimedia stories for children in Spanish and English. Print out craft activities and reading lists.
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- Stories and writing activities, by Stuart Baum. Reading lists and writing contests included.
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- The Adventures of Sydney
- An interactive story about Sydney, a young girl in search of her lost cat.
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- The Fin Fur and Feather Bureau of Investigation
- Animal-based government crime fighting agency that battles many foes, most notoriously CRUST and the Cyber Tooth Tigers. Kids ages 8-12 act as self-appointed field agents, filing their own reports to the Bureau and solving mysteries.
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- The Helical Library
- Showcase of poetry, stories and works in progress set in a quirky comic fantasy universe.
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- Tumblebooks
- Animated picture books online. Download free books and the free TumbleReader to enjoy e-books offline too.
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- Zynez
- Share poetry, stories, and artwork. Includes a monitored chat as well as message boards that are constantly updated and edited.
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- Ain't Got No Honey For My Oats
- A story of a bear's failure to notice 'that people will like him for him, and not what he can give to them. Will Teddy learn his lesson?
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- Animals Myths and Legends
- Tales of animal myths and legends. Read stories, solve puzzles, play games, meet a dragon, and help save a world.
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- Cat Who Laughed
- About the adventures of Tate the cat, and his owner Pete. Every day in December, a new page is added to the story.
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- Children's Reading Room
- From The Museum of Unnatural History, a collection of stories about Bunny and his friends.