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Palm Society of South Texas

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Scan day: 03 March 2014 UTC
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Description: Promotes the use of palms in landscaping. Provides education on the cultivation and preservation of palms.
Palm Society of South Texas (PSST) Palm Society of South Texas (PSST) The Palm Society of South Texas, a chapter of the , consists of people who are interested in raising palm trees, and in encouraging others to use palms in their landscaping. Throughout the year, we meet monthly at the homes of members, or at sites selected for their good displays of palms, such as the Sabal Sanctuary near Brownsville, Moody Gardens in Galveston, or the San Antonio Botanical Gardens. Our membership now ranges nearly throughout the great state of Texas; South from the Rio Grande Valley, eastward to Houston, westward to Odessa and as far north as Dallas. We even have members from other states, as well as internationally. Our Saturday meetings are informal, and we generally share information on palm cultivation and develop long lasting friendships among people who share this common interest.
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Page title:Palm Society of South Texas (PSST)
Keywords:palm trees, palm, palms, sabal, washingtonia, fan palm, feather palm, chamaerops, phoenix, date, canariensis, roebelenii, pygmy, trachycarpus, livistona, chinensis, humilis, rhapis, excelsa, syagrus, queen, butia, filifera, robusta, majesty, ravenea, tropical, Texas, Corpus Christi, Rio Grande Valley, Rockport, San Antonio, Volk, Victoria, Bay View, Palm Society of South Texas, International Palm Society
Description:The Palm Society of South Texas promotes the use of palms in landscapes and provides education to members and the public in the cultivation and preservation of palms