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Black Belt Bamboost

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Scan day: 17 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A creative, interactive, educational alabama bamboo stand to promote bamboo agroforestry in the Black Belt, and creative endeavors for the greater good.
Black Belt Bamboost | a community-based project designed to raise awareness about bamboo in Alabama. Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition Artist Claire Lewis Evans Join us at the Bamboo Park 11 November 2012 2:00pm – 4:00pm Opening Celebration Take a look at Claire’s blog, Summer of Bamboo, to read more about her adventures as a sculptor working with bamboo for the first time. And, be sure to check out one of Claire’s bamboo sculptures in You Can’t Hold Water: Works by
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Page title:Black Belt Bamboost | a community-based project designed to raise awareness about bamboo in Alabama.
Keywords:black belt bamboost, bamboo, alabama bamboo, black belt bamboo, bamboo alabama
Description:Black Belt Bamboost | Bringing Bamboo Awareness to the Black Belt Region of Alabama