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- The Garden of Paghat the Ratgirl
- Pacific Northwest gardener presents essays for hundreds of species growing in her garden, with personal notes, history, cultural information, and photos for each.
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- Offers a weed listing for the United States regions, primarily weeds occurring in lawns.
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- American Ivy Society
- A non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the genus Hedera through education and promotion. Site offers contact information, species photos with descriptions, a classification system, care instructions, article collection, membership details, and a question answering resource.
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- New Ornamentals Society
- Devoted to the study of new and rare ornamental landscape plants. Includes an online source guide and plant encyclopedia.
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- The Geraniaceae Group
- An international horticultural club interested in the species of all the genera of the Geraniaceae Family.
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- Australian National Botanic Gardens - Growing ferns from spores
- Description of collecting and sowing spores, potting the fonds and includes a drawing of the fern life cycle.
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- Australian National Botanic Gardens - How to Propagate Australian Plants
- Describes the collection and germinations of seeds, propagation by cuttings, safe use of growth hormones and a growing plants glossary with drawings.
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- GardenWeb: Winter Sowing
- A forum for discussing all aspects of winter-sowing, the planting of seeds in containers outdoors in winter, for germination in spring. The FAQ includes a detailed explanation of the method.
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- Gardenweb: Growing from Seed
- Forum for discussion of seed-starting topics by gardeners of all experience levels. Particularly active in winter and spring. FAQ includes many tips from home gardeners on variety of topics.
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- Gibberellic Acid for Fruit Set and Seed Germination
- Gibberellins are potent growth hormones sometimes used to induce germination in recalcitrant seeds. This article by John M. Riley discusses uses and provides some basic recipes.
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- Gibberellic Acid-3 Information Kit
- Background information on using the plant hormone to induce germination, with instructions for two methods, as well as safety information. Also sells kits for the home gardener.
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- How to Germinate Seed
- Bonsai enthusiast Brent Walston explains the fundamentals of germinating woody species, emphasizing the requirement to break down germination inhibitors.
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- Ontario Rock Garden Society
- The germination guide on this society's site lists requirements for a large number of plants (not just alpines), down to species level.
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- Society for Growing Australian Plants - Native Plants
- Provides simple techniques for plant reproduction from seed, cuttings, grafting and division with particular reference to the propagation of Australian native plants and includes diagrams and photographs.
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- Starting Plants From Seed
- Home gardener describes his method for germinating seeds using moist filter papers and ziplock baggies. Also detailed germination information for many plant species.
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- Texas A&M University - Mutated Plant Propagation
- Describes the origin, development and propagation of chimeras which includes such plants as variegated plants, thornless blackberries and peaches without fuzz.