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Wild Birds - Gardening and Conservation for Birds of the 21st Century

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Description: Conservation and gardening tips to aid wild birds. Includes migration and conservation reports as well as nesting egg identification.
Wild Birds for the 21st Century -- Conservation and Gardening for Birds Conservation & Gardening An Independent, Non-Profit, Educational Service Attention Bird Lovers and Gardeners! "Do not unto others what you would not they should do unto you."
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Page title:Wild Birds for the 21st Century -- Conservation and Gardening for Birds
Keywords:Gardening for birds/Bird gardening, Migratory birds, Landscaping for birds, Birdscaping, conservation of habitat, conservation of migratory paths, preservation of green space, extinction, American Passenger Pigeon, insectivores, declining or endangered species, hummingbirds, songbirds, thrushes, hawks and owls, Vanishing wild birds, ornithology, wildbirds, saving our birids, edible plants for birds and people, feathered friends, birds eggs, trees for birds, avian intelligence, descendants of dinosaurs, origins of flight; birdsong, , Latin American homes for North American Birds, oases for birds; migratory birds of North America and Mexico, North American birds in Central and South America, North American birds in the Carribbean, human stewardship of wild birds, Noah's Ark, human protection of non-humans, your backyard bird sanctuary, How to Grow Hummingbirds and Other Beauty, Bird lovers, enhancement of private property values, family values, religion and ecology, feminism and protection of wildlife, wild birds-blue skies-and freedom, domain:
Description:Conservation and Gardening for Wild Birds, especially land migratories of N. America