- 161
- Bluewater Pond Club
- Located in South Western Ontario, and offering events, tours, member list, a newsletter, suppliers, and member ponds.
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- Eastern Iowa Pond Society
- Information about membership, annual pond tour, member pond showcases, newsletter, meeting minutes and event calendar.
- 164
- Geneva Area Pond Club
- Expat-run club in Switzerland presents its meetings and other announcements. Site features photo galleries of members' ponds, aquatic plants, and fish.
- 165
- Greater Phoenix Pond Society
- Includes pond tour details, newsletters, message board and photos of members' ponds.
- 166
- Greater Toronto Water Garden & Horticultural Society
- Meetings held at Toronto Botanical Gardens with knowledgeable speakers, and a question and answer session to share ideas and experiences. Includes tours, events, and articles.
- 167
- Heart of Texas Water Garden and Pond Society
- For enthusiasts in central Texas. Membership information, practical articles, and a member forum.
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- Iliana Garden Pond Society
- Ponders group in Northern Illinois and Indiana. Information about events and projects, expos and public gardens, and membership.
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- Miami Valley Water Garden Society
- Designed to promote, create and enlarge the hobby of water gardening. Dayton, Ohio club provides calendar, members' pond tours and articles.
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- North Texas Water Garden Society
- An organization for people who are interested in water gardens, ponds and fish. Located in Dallas, Texas, USA.
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- Pikes Peak Water Garden Society
- Includes information about pond tours, plant sale, and meetings, and photos of members' ponds. Colorado Springs.
- 172
- Pioneer Valley Water Garden and Koi Club
- Club for Western Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut provides listing of club officers, meeting schedule, pond tour photos, and a membership application.
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- Santa Clara Valley Koi & Water Garden Club
- Club in California tells about its meetings, pond tours, and koi show, presents resources and articles, and offers membership information.
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- Topeka Area Water Garden Society
- Meets monthly to share the rewards of water gardening. Presents schedule, photographs, newsletter and message board.
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- Water Garden Club of BC
- Monthly meetings cover all the different aspects of water gardening in Western Canada.
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- Water Gardeners International
- Provides location for water gardeners seeking information on botanic and public gardens, clubs and societies, research, relevant publications, and an library of water gardening articles and images on the Internet.
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- Our Pond
- All about two ponds and a connecting waterfall in Virginia - its construction, development through the years and seasons. Includes a diary and resource page.
- 179
- All About Koi Ponds
- Relates my personal experience about building, maintaining and enjoying a backyard koi pond. Topics include the benefits of pond ownership, pond construction & maintenance, stocking fish and plants, breeding different categories of koi, adding ambiance with pond lights and a calculator to estimate the cost of different size ponds.