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- Astral Butterflies
- Shows and describes butterfly species, their beauty and behavior, and plants for attracting them to your garden.
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- Butterfly Gardening and Conservation
- Information about many species of butterflies, including their life cycle, and the plants you can grow to attract them.
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- Butterfly and Bird Gardening
- Information on plants and shrubs specific to Florida to attract wildlife.
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- Christina Mild's Rio Delta Wild
- Articles about plants native to southernmost Texas, including notes on their use by butterflies.
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- Flying Flowers
- Butterfly gardening in Florida. Lists of garden plants and how to grow them, information on butterflies and how to attract them, and how to raise caterpillars and butterflies.
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- Glorious Butterfly
- Step by step instructions on raising Monarch and Swallowtail Butterflies. Create a butterfly garden using nectar and host plants. Learn about the Monarch Migration.
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- Articles about how to attract egg laying butterflies and the resulting caterpillars to your yard and how to raise them into butterflies in your home.
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- Kingston Field Naturalists
- A non-profit charitable organization, is to stimulate public interest in nature, the protection and preservation of wildlife, and to acquire and provide knowledge of natural history.
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- Monarch Watch : Butterfly Gardening
- Host plants and gardening tips to attract the Monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus.
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- Obsession With Butterflies
- Butterfly lifecycle education, photos, butterfly gardening and conservation.
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- Plants for Attracting Butterflies in Central North Carolina
- Notes on over 60 plants that attract butterflies and do well in the Piedmont of NC, with a list of local sources.
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- The Butterfly Site- Butterfly Gardening Articles
- Articles on butterfly gardens, plants, and attracting butterflies to your garden.
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- Bellingrath Gardens and Home
- Estate garden located on the Isle aux Oies River, with a conservatory, nature walk, water features, and several themed gardens. Garden history, virtual tour, information about events.
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- Huntsville Botanical Garden
- Includes woodland, wildflower, and flower display gardens in additional to a more traditional botanical garden. Virtual tour, calendar of events, news, and volunteer opportunities.
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- Alaska Botanical Garden
- Showcases arctic horticulture and native plants in a spruce and birch woodland in Anchorage. Information about events, educational programs, volunteer opportunities, and membership.
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- Georgeson Botanical Garden
- Located at the University of Alaska Fairbanks showcases Alaskan native and introduced plants, including giant vegetables and specialty gardens. Information about visiting and research projects.
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- Desert Botanical Garden
- Aims at education, research, exhibition, and conservation of desert plants of the world, especially the Southwestern United States. Descriptions and photos, information about visiting and programs, and horticultural tips.