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- Child CyberSEARCH Canada
- Maintains a database of missing Canadian children and offers educational information related to runaways and abducted children.
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- Covenant House
- One of the largest privately-funded childcare agencies in the U.S., Covenant House provides services to homeless and runaway youth. The website addresses both youth considering running away and their parents, and offers information and confidential hotlines.
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- Keep Your Children Safe
- Tips to prevent a teen from running away or being lured away, and what to do first if a child is missing.
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- Precious Heart: Archives: Runaway Children
- The site provides bibliographies of publications related to the runaway experience in various categories such as "international works", "bibliographies and resource books", "shelters, law enforcement and psychology", and "legal, congresses and legislation".
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- StandUp For Kids On-Line
- Recipient of national (U.S.) awards and recognition, StandUp For Kids is an all volunteer organization working on the streets to help runaway and homeless youth.
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- Youth Link of America
- Nonprofit organization devoted to helping runaway and homeless youth find the resources needed. Contains events and newsletter.
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