- 41
- Child Care and the ADA
- Child care centers rather privately or publicly operated must conform to ADA standards in order to meet the needs of special children.
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- Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center Parents Network
- Parents of developmentally delayed children who are clients of the Easter Los Angeles Regional Center.
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- New Jersey Parents' Caucus
- A resource site. Discusses issues, lists events, includes a newsletter in English, Spanish, and Chinese, and has family support job listings.
- 45
- Parent
- Special education website focusing on parent and professional support for special needs children. Directory of articles and links contributed by parents and professionals.
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- Parents Exchange
- An information, referral, and advocacy service for parents and caregivers of children with disabilities and professionals who work with our families.
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- Parents Helping Parents
- Helping children with special needs receive the love, hope, respect and services they need to achieve their full potential by strengthening their families and the professionals who serve them.
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- Parents with Disabilities Online
- Information, support and products for parents who have disabilities.
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- Partners Resource Network
- Purpose is to empower parents of children and youth with disabilities in their roles as parents, decision makers, and advocates for their children.
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- SNAP wants to promote awareness and acceptance of children with special needs, especially the physically challenged.
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- Special Mommy Chronicles
- "Special Mommy Chronicles" is a weekly column by a Special Needs mom to Special Needs parents.
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- The Prevention News
- Newsletter published by Peter Leibert for Arc-California chapters and their members, focusing on issues related to the prevention of mental retardation and other disabilities.
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- Blended Families
- Offers a free newsletter for blended families, marriage coaching, teleclasses and an ebook on conquering conflict.
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- Bonus Families
- Dedicated to the support and reassurance of every member of your bonus(step)family, from kids to grandparents. Questions and answers by professionals plus lots of "been there, done that" information.
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- Center for Stepfamily Development, Boise, Idaho
- The Center for Stepfamily Development is a resource for stepfamilies in Idaho and the Northwest, providing information, education and support, including classes and counseling.
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- Second Wives Club
- Online support community for stepmothers and second wives, offering forum discussion, articles, digests, and other tools.