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School Age Child Care Association of British Columbia

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Scan day: 08 February 2014 UTC
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Description: (SACCA) is a province wide, nonprofit organization open to both professionals and students working or studying in the school age child care field.
School Age Childcare Association of British Columbia  |  Home  GO8 is an introductory visual arts program and internship organized by Satellite Gallery for high-school students from across disciplines in Grades 11 and 12. GO8 is designed to inspire, engage and excite youth to become immersed in Vancouver’s contemporary art world, to work collaboratively, and to create a public art intervention with the group. Final project ideas can include creating a flash-mob event, a temporary public art piece, or a new work for the Gallery’s Seymour storefront window.
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Page title:School Age Childcare Association of British Columbia  |  Home
Keywords:sacca bc, sacca, school age, childcare, after school activities, newsletters, members, membership, training, british columbia
Description:School Age Childcare Association of British Columbia