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Minnesota Child Care Association

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Scan day: 08 February 2014 UTC
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Description: MCCA gives you the opportunity to become actively involved in improving the child care industry with direct benefits your center.
Minnesota Child Care Association MCCA - Fighting to Keep Preschool in your Program MCCA is committed to being a forceful advocate in conveying child care center concerns to the regulatory decision makers at the state and national levels.
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Phone&Fax: 651.290.7488


Page title:Minnesota Child Care Association
Keywords:child care, children, minnesota children, child legislation, education for children
Description:MCCA is committed to being a forceful advocate in conveying child care center concerns to the regulatory decision makers at the state and national levels. MCCA will ensure that government officials and decision makers understand the perspective of child care centers and the impact that DHS and regulations have on centers and families.