Pelvic Exams and Pap Tests
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- Abnormal Pap Smears: What Every Woman Needs to Know
- Book by Lynda Rushing, M.D. and Nancy Joste, M.D. about pap smears test results and the human papillomavirus (HPV) and its connection to cervical dysplasia and cancer. Excerpt from the book, ordering information, and profiles of the authors.
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- Feminist Women's Health Center: Gynecological Self-Exam
- Shows how to do a cervical or vaginal self-exam and identify problems. Also lists benefits of self-exams.
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- MedicineNet: Pam Smear
- Doctor written consumer health information, includes what is a pap smear, who should have one, how it is done, treatments for abnormal pap smears and new technologies.
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- Medinfo: Smear Test (Cervical Smear)
- Information from a United Kingdom general practitioner about procedure, results, and follow-up techniques.
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- The Pap Examination: It Can Save Your Life
- Information from the College of American Pathologists about the value of the exam, when to have it, and how to determine if a laboratory is accredited.
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