Help And Advice On Premenstrual Syndrome
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Scan day: 06 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Describes alternative treatments for premenstrual syndrome and information on medical research on PMS and PMDD.
Help and Support for Premenstrual Syndrome "A guide to alternative treatments for PMS and PMDD and links to latest scientific research." More than 70% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome and most assume that they should just put up with it. I'm tired of being told that I should suffer though and as a result have become a bit obsessive in my search for a cure!!! I suffer mainly from mood-related PMS symptoms (mood swings, fatigue, irritability, paranoia, headaches, low self esteem, social withdrawal, sensitivity etc….) and painful abdominal cramps during period. These symptoms have lasted for up to 2 and a half weeks on a bad month. I tried many alternative treatments which didn't seem to help before seeing my GP about my PMS. This site is really just a way for me to collate all the information I've found but i hope it will be useful to other women too!
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