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Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome

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Description: Information primarily for health professionals, provided by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Includes references.
Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome-Alcohol Alert No. 05-1989 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism No. 5 PH 270 August 1989 The alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a cluster of symptoms observed in persons who stop drinking alcohol following continuous and heavy consumption. Milder forms of the syndrome include tremulousness, seizures, and hallucinations, typically occurring within 6-48 hours after the last drink. A more serious syndrome, delirium tremens (DTs), involves profound confusion, hallucinations, and severe autonomic nervous system overactivity, typically beginning between 48 and 96 hours after the last drink (Victor 1983). Estimates vary on the incidence of serious consequences of alcohol withdrawal. Regardless of actual incidence, recent evidence suggests that it may be important to treat everyone who is suffering from alcohol withdrawal.
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Page title:Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome-Alcohol Alert No. 05-1989
Keywords:Alcohol Alerts; Alcohol Research Health; Newsletters; pamphlets; brochures; professional education; research monographs; reports; Publicaciones en Español; Delivery Treatment Prevention Services; Tenth Report Congress; Epidemiologic Data Directory; Data Reference manuals; Surveillance; Pamphlets, Brochures; AgePage Aging; Alcoholism: Getting Facts; Family History; Drinking Your Pregnancy; Harmful Interactions Mixing Alcohol Medicine; Health Sciences Education Curricula; Disparities Materials; Cut Down; What You Don't Know Can Harm You; Affect Child; Kids Alcohol Free; Talk Child About Alcohol; Science Education; Parents Help Teens Party Right Graduation; Underage Drinking Prevention; Intimate Relationships; COMBINE; Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much; Clinicians guide; Pocket Guide; economic costs; physician training; MATCH; assessing problems guide; sentencing DUI offenders; thesaurus; residence program New York; improving treatment practice North Carolina; Social Work Curriculum; State of Science Moderate Drinking; NASADAD Issue Brief one; Un tema de salud de la mujer ; Hable con sus Hijos Sobre el Uso del Alcohol ; Antecedentes de alcoholismo en la familia; La bebida y su embarazo; Mantengamos A Los Niño Libres De Alcohol; Mezclando bebidas alcohólicas con medicamentos


Status: ACTIVE