- 41
- New England College of Optometry
- Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Offers a four-year post-baccalaureate professional curriculum and a 2-year accelerated program leading to a doctor of optometry degree for people with advanced academic degrees.
- 43
- SUNY State College of Optometry
- Resource for professional and graduate education, patient care and vision science research with professional and graduate programs. Located in New York City.
- 46
- Southern College of Optometry
- Independent, not-for-profit, coeducational institution offering a four-year, post-baccalaureate doctorate. Memphis, Tennessee.
- 50
- University of Melbourne, Australia
- Includes course information for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Incorporates the National Vision Research Institute of Australia.
- 51
- The Hong Kong Society of Professional Optometrists
- Established in 1982 by a group of optometry graduates from overseas, the society's objectives are to promote and improve the science and practice of optometry for the public benefit, and to maintain the highest possible standards of eye care services.
- 52
- American Academy of Optometry
- Information about the academy, including research databases, member directories and information on optometry and vision care.
- 53
- Association of Regulatory Boards of Optometry (ARBO)
- Provide resources to state regulatory boards of optometry throughout North America.
- 54
- College of Optometrists in Vision Development
- Certifying body for doctors in the optometric specialty called Behavioral/ Developmental/ Rehabilitative Optometry.
- 55
- Florida Optometric Association
- Provides information on sight wellness, and a list of O.D.'s in the state.
- 56
- Illinois Optometric Association
- Provides support, networking and continuing education for optometrists within the state. Includes events calendar, publications, and convention information.
- 57
- Ontario Association of Optometrists
- Provides information about optometry, the association, and vision and eye health.
- 58
- Prince Edward Island Association of Optometrists
- Professional association of optometrists in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Includes information about the association, news, optometrist finder, and information for patients about vision, eye conditions and eye examinations.