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Life Clinic

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Scan day: 20 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Based in Athens and offering IVF, egg donation services and reproductive immunology. Includes information on costs, overseas patient services and contact details. Site in English and Greek.
Homepage | Life Clinic - Centre for Assisted Reproduction and Gyneacology Life Clinic is a new medical centre*, based in Athens (Greece), dedicated to the assessment and treatment of male and female infertility.
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Contact Information



Page title:Homepage | Life Clinic - Centre for Assisted Reproduction and Gyneacology
Keywords:Cheap IVF, Abroad, Life Clinic, Greece, Athens, IVF, immunology, immune, NK cells, fertility, infertility, fertilisation, fertilization, problem, assisted conception, pregnancy, male, female, sperm, egg, donor, semen, testicular, embryo, transfer, IUI, GIFT, ZIFT, ICSI, PGD, PESA, TSA, TESE, MESA, surgical sperm retrieval, treatments, ovulation induction, cycle monitoring, in vitro
Description:Life Clinic is an infertility and IVF clinic in Athens, Greece, offering high standard IVF treatments at cheap prices. Services include an established egg donation programme without waiting list and diagnosis and treatment of immune related infertility problems.