Delaware Occupational Therapy Association
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Scan day: 13 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Provides information to members, students, and the general public about the DOTA and occupational therapy. Includes a chatroom, discussion groups, message boards, events calendar, FAQs, related links.
Delaware Occupational Therapy Association To advertise here, please contact ').appendTo($slider); var $navRight = $(' ').appendTo($slider); var currPanel = 0; var autoPlayTId = null; var autoPlayDelaySeconds = 4; $ { currPanel--; $('#full-slider-nav-left').hide(); $('#full-slider-nav-right').hide(); if (currPanel = $sliderPanels.length) currPanel = 0; if(autoPlayTId!=null) clearTimeout(autoPlayTId); slidePanel(currPanel, 'left'); }); function autoPlay() { autoPlayTId = setTimeout(function() { currPanel++; if (currPanel >= $sliderPanels.length) currPanel = 0; autoPlayDelaySeconds = slidePanel(currPanel); autoPlay(); }, (autoPlayDelaySeconds*1000)); } $(document).ready(function (){ $slider.children('.slide-panel.notactive').hide(); $slider.children('.slide-panel.notactive').removeClass('notactive'); autoPlay();}); });
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